GPU2020 Blade

Server Pembelajaran Jauh dengan hingga 10 GPU

Server GPU dengan hingga sepuluh GPU yang dapat disesuaikan. Pra-instal dengan Ubuntu, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, CUDA, dan cuDNN.

8x GPU Server for Deep Learning

Dipercaya oleh ribuan pelanggan di seluruh dunia

Peneliti dan insinyur di universitas,        start-up, Fortune 500, agensi publik, dan lab nasional menggunakan GPU2020 untuk        daya beban kerja kecerdasan buatan mereka.

TSMC is a customer MEDIATEK is a customer  is a customer  is a customer

Konfigurasi Atas

Konfigurasi yang dioptimalkan yang tidak akan menghambat

Konfigurasi teratas kami diperbandingkan dan disetel    untuk menghilangkan hambatan CPU, memori, dan penyimpanan saat menjalankan pembelajaran yang mendalam    beban kerja.

GPU2020 Blade Basic, a Deep Learning Server with up to 10x GPUs

Up to 10x GPUs

2x CPUs (Up to 56 Total Cores)
Up to 10x GPUs
Up to 6 TB of Memory
Storage is Customizable
Networking is Customizable
Hubungi kami
GPU2020 Blade Premium, a Deep Learning Server with 8x RTX 6000

8x Quadro RTX 6000

2x Xeon Gold 5218 (16 Cores)
8x RTX 6000 GPUs
512 GB of Memory
1.92 TB NVMe SSD
$ 40,138
GPU2020 Blade Max, a Deep Learning Server with 8x RTX 8000

8x Quadro RTX 8000

2x Xeon Gold 5218 (16 Cores)
8x RTX 8000 GPUs
768 GB of Memory
3.84 TB NVMe SSD
$ 54,273

Live Chat

Tidak melihat apa yang Anda cari?

GPU, prosesor, penyimpanan, jaringan, dan    memori sepenuhnya dapat disesuaikan. Hubungi kami dan kami akan merancang sistem itu    cocok dengan spesifikasi Anda.

Hubungi kami

Pengaturan nol, pembaruan mudah

GPU2020 Stack datang gratis dengan komputer Anda. Perpustakaan Pembelajaran Mesin        bekerja di luar kotak dan dapat diperbarui secara otomatis.

Ubuntu 18.04 comes pre-installed
TensorFlow comes pre-installed
PyTorch comes pre-installed
Keras comes pre-installed

Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan

Tidak melihat jawaban untuk pertanyaan Anda? Hubungi sales

Bagaimana jika saya menginginkan GPU, CPU, pengaturan penyimpanan tertentu, konfigurasi jaringan, [...] yang tidak tersedia di situs web?
Kami menawarkan banyak opsi untuk GPU, CPU, penyimpanan, dan jaringan yang tidak tersedia di situs web. Jika Anda tidak melihat opsi yang Anda inginkan, hubungi tim penjualan kami melalui email di atau melalui telepon di + 86-18677555856 . Silahkan perhatikan bahwa mesin khusus tunduk pada Pengembalian Pesanan Kustom kami Kebijakan.
What if my server develops a hardware issue?
GPU2020 offers perpetual support from our engineers and up to 3 years of warranty. If you experience issues with your GPU2020 Blade, our engineers are available by email at and by phone at +86-18677555856. We will immediately replace any faulty components (e.g. GPU, CPU, RAM, power supply), which you may return at your convenience. If your GPU2020 Blade is still under warranty, all replacements will be free of charge. Solutions to technical issues may also be found within our community, Deep Talk.
Are discounts available to academics, students, non-profits, public agencies, or start-ups?
Yes, discounts are available. Your discount will depend on industry, project size, and instituation. For more details, please contact us by email at or by phone at +86-18677555856.
When will my purchase be delivered?
The GPU2020 Blade typically ships within 3-4 business days of purchase. Highly customized orders may have a longer lead times. For the most accurate delivery estimates, please contact our sales team.
Does GPU2020 offer shipping to countries outside the United States?
Yes, GPU2020 ships globally. Please note if you're outside the United States, your order may be subject to duties and tariffs. For more information, please contact our sales team.
What operating system options are available?
The GPU2020 Blade typically ships with either Ubuntu 18.04 or Windows 10 Pro. Alternative operating systems are also available. Please contact us for details.
How loud is this server?
Due to its high noise level, the GPU2020 Blade should be kept in a space separate from where you'll be working - such as a server room or data center. This server produces its peak noise level during boot-up, while executing a Power-On Self-Test.
What payment methods are accepted?
We accept wire transfers, ACH transfers, and credit cards. Please note that credit card transactions are subject to an additional 3% charge.
Are financing options available?
Yes, we offer financing through a third party partner, Partners Capital Group.
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